...慎(简单地说,勤勉细心的执行工作: 审计记录完整、审计证据充分、审计报告适当 等) 外勤工作准则(standards of field work) (1)应当为审计工作制定恰当的计划,若有助理人员, 应予以适当监督和指导 (2)应当对内部控制进行充分的调查了解,以便...
Standards of the Field Work 外勤准则
field work standards of audit [审计] 审计外勤工作标准 ; [审计] 审计现场检查标准
field work standards of auditing 审计现场检查标准
Through the training course, all participants can meet the requirements of the standards, and each survey team can well finish the field geomagnetic survey work.
野外测量数据的处理。 通过本次培训,参加培训的同志都已达标,每个测量队可以胜任野外磁测工作。
You could work in a field where research and innovation are of primary importance to standards of living, so you could see the practical results of your work in every day use.
The "comprehensive environmental control" required that every field of work reach the required environmental and technological standards.