acrylic staple fibre 腈纶棉 ; 腈纶短纤维 ; 纶棉
polyester staple fibre 涤纶短纤维 ; 纤维 ; 短纤维 ; 聚酯短纤维
Staple fibre cutting machines 短纤维切断机 ; 短纤维堵截机 ; 老西整理
viscose staple fibre [纺] 粘胶短纤维 ; 黏液短纤维
coarse staple fibre 粗短纤维 ; 手扯长度
acetate staple fibre 醋酯短纤维 ; 乙酸短纤
medium staple fibre 中长纤维
staple fibre bulk yarn [纺] 短纤维膨体纱
bright staple fibre 有光短纤维
同义词: staple staple fiber
以上来源于: WordNet
Based on the analysis of the cutting principle of staple fibre, a mathematical model affecting the sharpness of cutter blades is established.
A method is introduced, which mix polyester chip and metal-oxide powder, then spin staple fibre, the fibre has antistatic property as its resistance is 1.
This article introduces the practical situation of the development of finishes for industrial vinylon staple fibre and the condition of application in spinning and weaving.