The dark matter star would collapse into a black hole. "Then the neutron star won't be able to survive anymore, and it'll collapse too, " says Fairbairn.
“暗物质恒星就会坍塌成为黑洞,然而,在这个时候,包围它的中子恒星不能再存在下去,也会跟着一起坍塌” ,费尔贝恩说。
The dark matter star would collapse into a black hole. "Then the neutron star won't be able to survive anymore, and it'll collapse too," says Fairbairn.
Investors were perturbed by the sudden collapse of Peloton Partner's star hedge fund, which had bought assets priced at a discount during the credit squeeze in the belief they were a good bet.
投资人对Peloton Partner明星对冲基金的突然崩溃深感不安,该基金会曾在信贷紧缩过程中购买售价打折的资产,并深信此举是一不错赌注。