... 定时运行(Running like Clockwork) 开机启动(Start At The Beginning) 第三部分:高级Shell脚本编程(Advanced Shell Scripting) ...
and start at the beginning 让我从头了解你
Despite a slow start at the beginning of the eighties, global economic output increased by more than a fifth during the decade.
Let me start at the beginning.
Let's start at the beginning: loading an EMF model.
I start at the beginning of each list, and I say is one less than three?
For us, we can start not so all the way back at Classical Greece, but with Alexander the Great, and the beginning of Hellenization; that is, the Grecization of the eastern part of the Ancient Mediterranean.
All right? A linear search, I start at the beginning of the list and walk all the way through it. All right, if I'm lucky and it's at the low end, If it's not, if it's at the far end, I've got to go forever, and you saw that last time where this thing paused for a little while while it actually searched a list this big.