... low income earner 低收入者 start at the same point 公平的 fairychan 于 2010-12-04 12:37 对 日常口语听写训练:我想念你评论道: ...
However, my opinion is that Serie a, like every other League, is a race and all the teams should start at the same point.
If you start from the same point and follow the same route, the memorized items will come to your mind instantly as you look at the journey's selected features.
The use of generate-id() shown at the start of this section is really about discerning whether two paths point to the same node.
这一节开始使用的 generate-id() 实际上是判断两个路径是否指向同一个节点。
And when I do this test, what I want to do, is say I'm going to pick the middle spot, and depending on the test, if I know it's in the upper half, I'm going to set my start at the mid point and the end stays the same, if it's in the front half I'm going to keep the front the same and I'm going to change the endpoint.
They start babbling at the same point.
it's clear that you want to add a vector that looks like that, because then you go from the start of this to the finish of that, you end up at the same point and you get this invisible 0 vector.