re-starting time 再启动时间
Earliest Starting Time 最早起动时间 ; 最早开始时间
Latest Starting Time 最迟开始时间
Light starting time 启动时间
starting time limit 起动时限
starting time interval 起动时间间隔
starting time constant 起动时间常数
The exact starting time 具体的起始时间
You determine the starting time 你确定出发时间
current period starting time 当前周期开始的时间
What time are we starting tomorrow?
That'll be in room 9 and it's starting in two weeks' time—in the evening—every Wednesday at 6 o'clock.
Russians, for example, began to wake up about a half-hour later each day after President Vladimir Putin shifted the country permanently to "winter time" starting on October 26.