... Squad:五人组,篮球队的非正式说法。 Starting-lineup:开场阵容。 Strong side:强侧。有球的一侧为强侧。(关于强侧与弱侧的具体定义请见《联 ...
以上来源于: WordNet
Celtics head coach Doc Rivers recently said that the Lakers hadn't really beaten their starting lineup, as center Kendrick Perkins was injured and missed Game 7.
凯尔特人的主教练多克·里弗斯(Doc Rivers)最近表态说,湖人没有真正的打败我们,因为先发阵容的中锋肯德里克·珀金斯(Kendrick Perkins)受伤缺席了第七场比赛。
Rahat Huq, Red94: Replacing injured Luis Scola with rookie Patrick Patterson took the Rockets' starting lineup down to.
Rahat Huq, Red 94:取代了受伤的路易斯·斯科拉首发的火箭菜鸟帕特里克·帕特森使得整支球队的进攻效率大幅下降,而且成为了整支球队的最差防守阵容。
There's a reason that sporting arenas play songs when introducing the starting lineup for a sports team.