starting up pump 起动用泵 ; 起动泵
starting up stand-by pump 起动备用泵
Starting up a Project 启动项目 ; 项目 ; 项目启动 ; 开始项目
Starting up&Turning off 开机与关机
Starting Up a Conversation 开始交谈
starting-up course 起头横列
starting up oil 起动油
starting up period 起动周期
starting up pump coupling 起动用泵联轴器
As the development of electronic technology, high-stability crystal oscillator isbeing used more and more widely. Especially, the temperature compensated crystaloscillator (TCXO) which works immediately after starting up, is used in electronicequipments such as communication, navigation, radar, measure instruments etc.
参考来源 - 一种新型小尺寸微机补偿晶体振荡器Starting up the reactor after seeding.
参考来源 - 复合型生物膜反应器处理污水的研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress