next state function 变换函数 ; 下一个状态函数
tri-state function 三态功能 ; 三态模式
initial state function 初态函数 ; 原始状态函数
state and state function 状态和状态函数 ; 状态与状态函数
State & State Function 状态与状态函数
configuration state function 构造组态状态函数 ; 组态状态函数 ; 态函数 ; 即所谓的组态波函数
limit state function 极限状态函数
Hamiltonian state function 罕米吞状态函数
Pontryagin state function 邦屈亚金状态函数
The random fields are discretized using a linear regression discretization method developed by the authors. The limit state function is implicitly represented by finite element stability analysis results.
参考来源 - 一座现有拱桥面内失稳的可靠度随机有限元分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
N a thermodynamic quantity that has definite values for given states of a system, such as entropy, enthalpy, free energy, etc 态函数 [physics]
Their principal function was to provide funds for the state.
The function of a well-designed state intervention is not to deprive people of liberty but to build social capacity and infrastructure that helps people take responsibility for their wellbeing.
It looks like just about everyone is able to go from the name of an orbital to the state function.