这种范式的作用类似于某些法学家所谓的例外状态(state of exception)的作用。正如例外状态允许对正常的法律秩序进行奠基和定义,在极端情境——其本质是一种例外状态——中,对正常情境做出判断和决...
以上来源于: WordNet
Given good resources, it is best to build up from the basics (address, city, state) and then include places of interest and robust exception handling.
They can also never exist in unknown or undesirable state because of an exception.
C states, with the exception of the C0 state where the processor is running, are idle states in which the processor will unclock and shut down components to save power.
Now, you might look at that formulation, the state of war is one against--of all against all and you might say that such a condition of civil war, of maximum insecurity, of the total breakdown of condition of rules and laws is if anything the state of the exception.