(3)扭力作用(torsion):分布扭力,塑性变形,设计课题 4-4,4-5,4-7(4)应力状态(state of stress):Mohr's circle,三维应力,traction 5-3,5-4,5-6
...倡饿吉痘冶规监均量湍备萎顷怀涡佬饲艘毡饮梳韵梆领魔囤挠攫剑佳宣穆五馋钻昂陵塘胶寸就酸 应力状态观念概述 ( State of Stress ) 00. 土壤中应力的来源: • 土壤的自重 • 外加载重 • 其它(抽水、地震等) ** 假设应力可叠加 应力状态 1.
hydrostatic state of stress [流] 静水应力状态 ; 静水应力状 ; 静水应力状况
homogeneous state of stress [力] 均匀应力状态 ; 均匀应力
boundary state of stress 极限应力状态
nonhomogeneous state of stress 不均等应力状况
Plane State of Stress 应力状态 ; 二向应力状态
Unidirectional State of Stress 单向应力状态
triaxial state of stress 三轴应力状态
The actual state of stress in the strong layer of the upper crust is the combined effect of these twoopposite stress systems together with bending and other local and regional stresses such as due to ridge push.
参考来源 - 青藏造山带岩石圈根拖曳模式的数值模拟·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Both will break at the same critical state of stress.
The initial or frozen-in double refraction is replaced by an equivalent or virtual state of stress.
There are two main methods to describe the general state of stress at a point in Continuum Mechanics-Qudric Surface method and Ellipsoid method.