金融海啸的心理冲击已成过去这里使用了道富银行(State Street Bank)的统计数据,这个机构追踪的是全球大笔资金流向,进而观察市场冒险意愿和跨境资本流动。
... 州街银行 State Street Bank 第一州际银行 First Interstate Bank ; First Interstate 州际银行 Bank Multistate ; Interstate Bank ...
1999~2003 年曾任世界上最大机构投 资者“国家街银行”(State Street Bank)全球研究中心主任和总经理。著有《国际 金融》、《中央银行和金融监管》等。
State Street Bank and Trus 道富信托银行
State Street Bank & Trust 州街银行案 ; 信托公司
State Street Bank Alumni logo 状态街道银行校友
Boston-based State Street Corp. , the third-largest custody bank, on Nov. 30 said it will cut 1,400 jobs, or about 5 percent of its workforce, to reduce costs as interest rates near zero erode profit.
"Everyone should now see that the risk team needs to be just as involved on the returns side as on the risk side," says Maureen Miskovic, chief risk officer at State Street, an American bank.
“现今每一个人都要明白风险小组既需要利润方也需要风险控制方”,道富公司,一家美国银行的首席风险官Maureen Miskovic如是说。