state university of new jersey
来自新泽西州立大学(State University of New Jersey)的神经学家们在《科学》杂志上报告称,他们发现来自该啮齿动物嗅感觉神经元(OSNs)的信号会在这些小鼠学会了将一种气味与一个可...
state university of new jersey
以上为机器翻译结果,长、整句建议使用 人工翻译 。
Fan graduated in 2003 from the State University of New Jersey, Rutgers with an EMBA and in 1994 from Beijing College of Economics with a bachelor's degree in Accounting.
The State University of New Jersey's Rutgers Business School has also been busy, carving out a niche by offering an MBA course specialising in pharmaceutical management.
CNN: Degrees go for specialist redesign
Tepper continues to focus his philanthropic efforts on education-- from the elementary school level to university--and feeding the hungry in his home state of New Jersey.
FORBES: David Tepper