detailed statement of accounts 帐户明细表
monthly statement of accounts 每月对帐单
final statement of accounts 往来帐目结算书
reconciliation of statement of accounts 银行帐目的核对
audited statement of accounts 经审计的帐目报表
statement of accounts message 帐户报表报文
financial statement of accounts 帐户财务报表
statement of current accounts 往来帐目明细表
statement of final accounts 会计决算报表 ; 决算说明书
In a statement, the group said it had accessed details of a million customer accounts, including email addresses and dates of birth.
For example, the need for an online bank to support the transfer of funds between accounts is likely far more important than an Elbonian-language version of a monthly bank statement.
Last week we talked about the Profit and Loss statement which is a report of the revenue and expense accounts.