Static Flow Control 静态流控制
Static Flow Calibration 静态流速校准
static flow mixer 静态混合器
static flow analysis [计] 静态流程分析
static flow excursion 静态流量漂移
static-flow characteristics 定常流特性
Static Cash Flow Yield 静态现金流折现法 ; 静态现金流量报酬率法 ; 稳定现金流量折现法 ; 静态现金流收益率法
Static and dynamic flow control 静态和动态流控制
Results show that not only high static flow control accuracy is obtained, its dynamic characteristic is also being satisfied.
结果表明, 该方法在获得较高的流量控制精度的同时, 具有良好的流量动态控制特性。
Static variables will return to their defaults every time the execution group is started or the message flow is deployed.
Application solutions which embed the fixed process flow and have static constraints which require configuration changes to the application which will require to be restarted to pick up any changes.