土木工程编译词汇S-69-SCIdict学术词典-... ... 末端车站 Station,stab 蒸汽发电厂 Station,steam power 水文站 Station,streamgauging ...
steam power station 蒸汽发电厂 ; 蒸汽发电所 ; 火力发电厂
natural steam power station 地热发电站
power station steam turbine 电站汽轮机
power r station steam turbine 电站汽轮机
steam power station WESTBANK 蒸汽发电所
steam power station noise 火力发电站噪声
It operates similar to power station reactor, the heat generated by a nuclear reactor is used to raise steam to drive a turbine.
Steam rises from the cooling towers of Metsamor nuclear power station in Armenia in September 2010.
So even in the face of a complete station blackout—you don't have any power at all—there are methods for using the steam-driven pump to continue to keep cooling going.