complete statistical survey 全面统计调查
method of statistical survey 统计调查法
overall statistical survey 全面调查
statistical survey method 统计调查方法
National Statistical Survey Data 国家统计调查数据
Liaoning Statistical Survey Yearbook 国家统计局辽宁调查总队
statistical survey 统计方法
statistical survey model 测点统计模型
statistical survey system 统计调查制度
statistical survey program 统计调查方案
Concept mapping is a statistical tool used to derive conclusions from qualitative data, such as subjective responses to a survey.
You've also taken a quick look at how you can use the information that will be stored in the database to get statistical information—surely the point of a survey application.
Throughout the series, you'll build a simple survey system that provides a series of questions, collects the answers, and then provides statistical analysis on the answers.