...h菜单栏中选择“File”-“New From Template”-“IOS UI Design”即可看到Sketch自带的IOS组件库,再从中选择状态栏(status bar)、主菜单栏(Tab bars)即可,真正的傻瓜式操作。 另外,我们可以适当增加定位线来进行定位,规范我们的设计。
Toolbar&Status bar 工具栏和状态栏的诞生 ; 工具栏和形态栏的降生
status bar control 状态栏控件 ; 状态条控制 ; 状态列控制项
Super Status Bar 超级状态栏 ; 超级状态栏汉化版
The Status Bar 状态栏
Battery Status Bar 电池状态栏
Solid Status Bar 白色状态栏 ; 状态条不透明 ; 固体状态栏
Show status bar 显示状态栏 ; 状态栏显示 ; 显示
Status bar and Prompt line 状态栏和提示行 ; 状态栏和提示栏
Calendar in Status bar 状态栏日历 ; 系统栏日历软件
以上来源于: WordNet
N a narrow horizontal area at the foot of a computer screen or window in which details are displayed about the program that is running or the document that is being edited 状态栏
Writing status bar history to a log file.
Also, I personally want to get rid of the status bar.
A progress bar is not supposed to print one hundred lines just to update its status; generally we like to see a little animation.