steam generator [动力] 蒸汽发生器 ; 蒸气产生器 ; 蒸汽发电机 ; 锅炉
low pressure steam generator 低压蒸气产生器 ; 低压蒸汽发生器
once through steam generator 直留汽发生器
electric steam generator 电热蒸汽发生器 ; 电热锅炉 ; 电热蒸汽除了器 ; 电蒸汽发生器
portable steam generator 移动式蒸汽发生器
heat recovery steam generator 余热蒸汽发生器 ; 热回收蒸汽发生器 ; 蒸汽发生器
Steam Generator Configuration 蒸汽发生器构造
gas-fired once-through steam generator 燃气直流式蒸汽发生器 ; 燃气
nuclear steam generator 核蒸汽发生器 ; 核子蒸汽产生器
Now we then have to condense that steam and recirculate it back either to a steam generator or back to the core.
You could break a steam generator tube, you could break an instrument line and you could have a spectrum of pipe breaks in a BWR inside of containment.
Then you have a low steam generator water level which means that you probably have a leak somewhere and the question is, is it on the primary side or on the secondary side?