steam room 蒸汽房 ; 湿蒸房 ; 蒸汽室
boiler steam room 蒸汽锅炉房
Comperized Steam Room 电脑蒸汽房
Wet steam room 湿蒸房
sauna&steam room 干湿蒸两用房
Khan steam room effect chart 汗蒸房效果图
computer steam room 杭州伊丽梦洁具有限公司销售部
Dry Steam Room 干蒸房
There's also an excellent spa with a large pool, steam room, and sauna.
He's been led into the tight maze of pipes that make up the prison steam room.
For immediate relief, cut back on the mileage and try some damp heat: hot baths or the steam room. Heating pads and heat rubs may help somewhat, but wet heat seems to work better than dry.