circulation steam drum boiler 循环汽包炉
controlled circulation steam drum boiler 控制循环汽包炉
boiler steam drum 锅炉汽鼓
steam drum of boiler 锅炉汽包
steam boiler drum 蒸汽锅筒
drum type steam boiler 锅筒式蒸汽锅炉
a drum type steam boiler 锅筒式蒸汽锅炉
waste heat boiler steam drum 余热锅炉汽包
The parameters of the model can be obtained from the pressure in the drum, the physical dimensions and characteristics of the boiler and the steam and water parameters table.
Boiler is an equipment of produce steam, to keep the water level of the boiler drum within a certain range is very important.
Described is a method of superheated steam regulation for the heat recovery boiler of a gas steam combined cycle power plant, the so called boiler drum saturated steam attemperation.