steam reforming process 蒸汽转化过程 ; 蒸汽改质过程 ; 蒸汽转化工艺 catalytic reforming process 催化重组法 ; 催化重整工艺 ; 催化重整过程 .
steam reforming process 蒸汽转化过程 ; 蒸汽改质过程 ; 蒸汽转化工艺 catalytic reforming process 催化重组法 ; 催化重整工艺 ; 催化重整过程 ..
steam-reforming process of light hydrocarbons 轻质烃蒸汽转化法
naphtha steam reforming process 粗汽油蒸汽转化过程
hercules steam reforming process 赫克尔士水蒸汽转化过程
ici steam reforming process ici 水蒸汽转化制氢过程
low-energy steam reforming process 低能耗蒸汽转化法
Atmospheric intermittent steam-reforming process 常压间歇蒸汽转化法
Latest technical progress in steam reforming process of natural gas is introduced.
The steam reforming process produces syngas, which is a mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide.
蒸气重整过程产生合成气,它是氢和一氧化碳的混合物。 收藏。
Feedstock demands meeting hydrocarbon steam reforming process including impurity contents of olefins, aromatics, sulfur, arsenic and chloride, as well as dry point of light fraction were introduced.
介绍烃类水蒸气转化制氢工艺对原料的要求,加烯烃、 芳烃、硫、砷和氯等杂质的含量,以及轻油的干点等。