...在青岛有很多可看和可做的事 » Has very many in Qingdao may look and may do matter 蒸红薯 » Steamed sweet potatoes 他们经常在学习和生活上帮助我 » Them often in learning and help me ..
Why we love it: Sweet, fluffy, and fibrous, these steamed sweet potatoes are a nice contrast to most Shanghai cheap eats.
为啥受欢迎 :甘甜、松软、富含纤维,烘山芋是上海小吃当中的一个另类。
The menu for the day included braised Spanish mackerel with tomatoes, steamed sweet potatoes and fern root vermicelli with sour and spicy dressing.
今日菜单上有红烧青鱼配土豆, 蒸地瓜还有酸辣蕨根粉。
PS I also served my fish with steamed vegetables, chopped sweet red pepper, and some mashed potatoes.