H 中文名称:工字钢英文名称:steel I-beam其他名称:钢梁定义:断面形状为工字形的型钢。应用学科:材料科学技术(一级学科);金属材料(二级学科);钢铁材料(二级学科);钢铁材料品种(二级学科) ,,542
Mild Steel I-Beam 低碳工字钢
Steel I beam 工字钢
wide structural steel I-beam 宽缘工字钢梁
I-steel beam bridge 工字梁桥
I-steel beam welding 工字钢梁焊接
I-beam steel 工字钢
I-type steel beam 工字型钢梁
i-shape steel beam 工字型钢梁
i shape steel beam 工字型钢梁
Harbin sifangtai bridge is a cable-stayed bridge whose girder is composed by steel i-beam above and concrete deck slab below.
The series of pulleys all the parts are standard modules, according to the requirements of different steel I-beam and use flexible assembly.
Among various steel structures, I-steel beam (H-steel beam) is the most widely used as the main structure of almost all engineering works.