steepest ascent [数] 最速上升 ; [数] 最陡上升 ; 最陡爬坡法
method of steepest ascent 最速上升法
steepest ascent method [数] 最速上升法 ; 最陡上升法
Steepest ascent search 最速上升法
Path of steepest ascent 最速前进方向 ; 升路径
Steepest ascent design 最陡爬坡实验
Steepest ascent algorithm 最陡上升算法
modified steepest ascent method 修改的最陡上升法
steepest-ascent search algorithm 最速上升搜索算法
modified steepest ascent [统计] 修正的最陡上升
The Six Sigma Black Belt will be able to state the direction of steepest ascent from experimental data.
Subsequently the steepest ascent method is applied to obtain the design center point of the significant factors above the 95% probability level.