... 红烧排骨罐头 canned stewed pork chop 红烧排骨〔中菜名 stewed pork chop ; stewed pork steak 红烧纸包排骨 baked paper packed ribs ...
canned stewed pork chop 红烧排骨罐头
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canned d stewed pork chop 红烧排骨罐头
We also serve Grilled Fish sliced, Braised pork chop with white beans, Stewed Mutton, fried prawns, curry chicken, etc.
We also serve Grilled Pork Chop with Onion, Braised Pork Chop with White Beans, Stewed Mutton, Kidney in Red Wine, etc.
We also serve Grilled Pork Chop with Onion, Braised Pork Chop with White Beans, Stewed Mutton, Kidney in Red Wine, and many other dishes.