... Thinkin' of what could be Between you and me 想到你与我之间 Still I need to know 我很想知道 Should I keep this feelin' 这种感觉会一直延续 ...
People, I know vacation begins in a few days, but at the moment you still need to worry more about your final exam than about your summer plans.
I can relate to feeling much the same way. I know it's all dream stuff, but for now I still need to connect with what's familiar for a sense of stability and grounding.
My Web applications mix protected and unprotected URIs, but I still need to know the user’s identity from unprotected URIs
我的 Web 应用程序混和使用受保护的和不受保护的 URI,但我仍然需要知道不受保护的 URI 中的用户标识
We cannot tell whether they are 'blood diamonds' or not." "That will be part of the investigation because you still need people to say "Yes,I know these diamonds;
VOA: standard.2010.08.09
So we've got the firms, they're the players, I know what their strategies are, I know a little bit about the structure of the market, and I still need to tell you what payoffs are.