...吸收外来光而从E 1 E 2 的原子数: 1 12 N T , dt dN 吸收 受激吸收过程(stimulated absorption ) Postgraduate 写成等式 1 12 12 N W dt dN 吸收 B 12 吸收系数 令 W 12 =B 12 ( 、T) W 12 单个...
transition probability of stimulated absorption 受激吸收跃迁概率
Stimulated absorption rate 受激辐射速率
nonelectrolyte-stimulated sodium absorption 非电解质刺激的钠吸收
stimulated sodium absorption 释义非电解质刺激的钠吸收
The rate equation theory researches the basic relation of the atomic spontaneous emission, stimulated emission and stimulated absorption, and it is the fundamental theoretical calculations.
The absorption, spontaneous emission and stimulated emission are discussed respectively.
There are basically three processes for interaction between a photon and an electron in a solid: absorption, spontaneous emission, and stimulated emission.