定义 中文名称: 受激跃迁 英文名称: stimulated transition 定义: 由于外部辐射场作用而产生的粒子能级间的跃迁。 应用学科: 机械工程(一级学科); 光学仪器(二级学科);激光器件和激光设备-激光器件和激光设备一
stimulated transition frequence 受激跃迁频率
stimulated emission transition probability 受激发射跃迁几率
transition probability of stimulated radiation 受激激辐射跃迁概率
stimulated raman transition 受激喇曼跃迁 ; 受激拉曼跃迁
transition probability of stimulated absorption 受激吸收跃迁概率
stimulated e transition 免激偶极跃迁
stimulated emission transition 受激辐射跃迁
stimulated radiative transition 受激辐射跃迁
stimulated e 1 transition 免激偶极跃迁
The nonlinear index of refraction induced by stimulated transition of high level populations in the gain medium is investigated.
The relaxation rate of upper level is equal to the transition probability of stimulated emission.
The thermally stimulated currents (TSC) and the ferroelectric phase transition of the ferroelectric ultrafine grain were investigated.