stock ownership incentive 股权激励
the stock ownership incentive 股权激励
In other words, the implementation of stock ownership incentive plans in Chinese listed companies is feasible and effective.
参考来源 - 中国上市公司股权激励制度的有效性及对策研究At the same time, as a long-term incentive system, the period that“Stock ownership incentive”was introduced into China is not long enough, it exists a lot of defect about the design of system and his execution.
参考来源 - 上市公司股权激励法律问题研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
Stock ownership incentive is an incentive measure on resolving the problem of agency cost in case of the "Separation of Ownership and Control"of modern corporations.
So, they don't have the powerful incentive that stock ownership provides to make sure they run the company well over the long run.
With the separation of ownership and management, many enterprises pay a lot for the agency cost. For this, stock incentive is considered to be a good method to decrease the cost.