five-order STOKES wave STOKES五阶波
three-order STOKES wave STOKES三阶波
second order stokes wave 二阶stokes波
anti stokes wave 反斯托克斯波
anti-Stokes wave 反斯托克斯波
first Stokes wave 第一级斯托克斯波
stokes wave theory 斯托克斯波浪理论
second Stokes wave 第二级斯托克斯波
th stokes wave theory 五阶stokes波
以上来源于: WordNet
For the existing calculations of the wave load are most based on the linear wave theory, a more accurate STOKES wave is used to calculate the wave load in this paper.
When pump power increases farther, second Stokes wave is generated, then first Stokes wave is saturated, and residual pump wave power starts to be increasing linearly.
The results indicate that the wave drag forces calculated by linear wave theory are larger than those calculated by the third order Stokes wave theory for given waves.