dead-stop end point [分化] 永停终点
dead-stop end point method 死永停图点法 ; 停终点法 ; 永停终点法
dead-stop end-point 死停终点
dead stop end point 死停终点
For me, there was no turning back. I forced myself to believe that in the end, at some point, the mind will stop fighting me.
I thought about reasons why you'd want to stop (the end point or goal).
Remember last time at the end of class we were trying to figure out what exactly happens near the bottom point, when we have this motion that seems to stop and go backwards.
They'll keep trying to get it going, but maybe we should move on with our lives here while this is happening, and we'll click it back at the end, and if we have a nice set up at any point, I'll just stop and we'll go back and we'll look at it again.