... battery cell voltage 蓄电池电压 storage battery cell 电池组电池 battery cell interconnects 蓄电池单元连接系统 ...
... 电瓶电压表 battery voltage meter 蓄电瓶 accumulator jar; storage battery cell 通信、导航、识别器地面电源电门 cni ground power switch ...
storage cell storage battery accumulator 一种利用可逆化学反应把化学能变成电能的电池
Hydrogen is provided by an onboard 35MPa storage tank and air is fed to the fuel cell from a blower. The electric power generated is fed to a lithium battery of the electric drive.
That would be enough to fully charge a cell phone, laptop or other electrical device almost instantaneously, and then dole out that power to a waiting battery for long-term storage.
Include a battery storage unit to store the solar and fuel cell power generated during the day for use at night.