...肌肉微观结构和表面张力参数n引;可榨出水 (Expressiblemoisture),表示外力条件下肌肉液体的流失量;贮存损失(Storage loss),表示不施加任何外力,只受重力作用下,肌肉液体的流失量。
storage loss rate 贮存损失
cold storage loss 冷藏损失
storage and transportation loss 储运损失
loss of storage 贮存损失
storage e loss 贮存损失
Storage and Loss Modules 储能模量与耗量模量
non-loss storage 无损储存
storage reserve loss rate 贮藏物质消耗率
The percentages of water loss, cooking loss, storage loss and CP for breast muscle were higher than those for leg muscle.
Maternal genetic effects, however, were not important for these traits with excepts of drip loss, marbling score and storage loss.
However, loss of carbon storage and death rates are also higher, especially death rates are more than double higher than those in countryside forests.