The Stray Dog 流浪狗
a stray dog 流浪狗
Is a stray dog 又是一条野狗
Stray Dog Simulator 流浪狗模拟器 ; 流浪狗模拟
Like a stray dog 若丧家之犬
Stray Dog Sim 流浪狗模拟器
Stray Dog Care 流浪狗护理
Stray dog Bad host 流浪狗与烂主人
Stray y Dog 迷路
His whisper was hardly audible when he said, "Oh, Huck, its a stray dog!"
Sri Lanka's dog population is estimated at 2.3 million in a country of 19.5 million people, and about 20,000 to 30,000 people are annually treated for stray dog bites.