Stroke out slowly 慢慢删去
out stroke 排气冲程 ; 排气行程
Stroke of knock-out 顶出行程
Stroke of knock-out cylider 顶出活塞最大行程 ; 顶出活塞很大行程
stroke e out 删去
Knock out stroke 顶出行程
It didn't rain, which turned out to be a stroke of luck.
That's when Susan started to implement the plan her father had crafted before his stroke: out in the pouring rain, Susan began to dig.
Holding a draft in front of him, Margaret asked Sean to choose "stroke" or "minor stroke" or leave out the detail.
Chronic diseases have a major role in the healthcare costs, so if you look at these chronic diseases, heart disease, stroke, cancer and Diabetes we find that seven out of ten of all deaths are now due to chronic diseases, whereas, it was a very small fraction in 1900.