rotary tillage and stubble-mulch 旋耕埋草
crop stubble mulch 作物残茬
no-till with stubble mulch 留茬覆盖免耕
stubble e mulch 残茬覆盖
mulch stubble sweep 除茬覆盖用箭形铲
stubble and straw mulch 残茬和秸杆覆盖
The growth and grain yield of summer maize in three kinds tillage management of no tillage, moldboard plowing and sub-soiling under two conditions of stubble mulch and no mulch have been conducted.
The study of herbicide deposition on soil surface and wheat stubble in different wheat mulch conditions is conducted.
With increasing straw mulch and height of stubble, the soil wind erosion rate decreased in the same velocity.