[ 复数 subs 第三人称单数 subs 现在分词 subbing 过去式 subbed 过去分词 subbed ]
... 1.模块(Module) 2.过程(Sub) 过程是执行某个特定操作的一段代码。Hello World程序中包括一个名称为Main的过程,该过程由两行代码组成,功能是在命令行输出字符串“Hello World”。 ...
...单元组成,过程分为函数过程 过程是模块的单元组成,过程分为函数过程 ((Function Function)和子过程( )和子过程(Sub Sub)) 一、在模块中加入过程 一、在模块中加入过程 11、、Sub Sub过程一般执行某种操作或一系列运算,但没 过程一般执行某种操作或一...
D-Sub 输入 ; 接口 ; 接口类型 ; 端子
sub-health 亚健康 ; 亚健康状态 ; 亚康健 ; 亚安康
Sub-Saharan Africa 撒哈拉以南非洲 ; 撒哈拉以南非洲地区 ; 哈拉非洲
SUB-CONTRACTOR 外发厂 ; 分包商 ; 外发加工厂
Sub-station 分站 ; 子站 ; 配电站
Hong Jin-Sub 洪珍燮
Patrol Sub Unit 军装巡逻小队
Sub Culture 潜艇小英雄 ; 亚文化 ; 海底文明 ; 潜入水下艇小英雄
sub-new stock 次新股
同义词: bomber grinder hero hero sandwich hoagie hoagy Cuban sandwich Italian sandwich poor boy submarine submarine sandwich torpedo wedge zep
"The young teacher had to substitute for the sick colleague"; "The skim milk substitutes for cream--we are on a strict diet"
同义词: substitute stand in fill in
以上来源于: WordNet
N-COUNT A sub is the same as a submarine sandwich. 同submarine sandwich
N-COUNT A sub is the same as a . 同substitute teacher [美国英语]
N-COUNT In team games such as football, a sub is a player who is brought into a game to replace another player. 替补队员 [非正式]
We had a few injuries and had to use youth team kids as subs.
N-COUNT A sub is the same as a . 潜艇 [非正式]
These independent sub-models can also be shared by multiple models.
Robert Anderson to duplicate his Mexican success in the sub-continent.
Once you create a component, you cannot reorganize it into sub-components.