浅析公路工程路基存在的质量通病与控制措施_建筑工程管理论文 关键词:路基工程;公路;控制措施 [gap=406]Key words: the subgrade engineering; Highway; Control measures
and The subgrade engineering 路基工程
freeway subgrade engineering 高速公路路基工程
railway subgrade engineering 铁路路基工程
subgrade engineering conditions 路基土石方工程
road subgrade engineering 路基工程
highway subgrade engineering 公路路基工程
With the increase of train speed, the frost hazard of subgrade engineering in seasonally frozen soil becomes more and more serious.
Through analyzing the cause of subgrade engineering quality disease, the paper proposed its technical measures and methods for reference.
Compared to other kinds of piles, the cement-mixed pile demonstrates its several strong points, and so it is widely used in subgrade engineering.