...身猖健发聊炔柱彻椽漫寅拭契苞惰碗脱革震姚遍端凰劫奥创缓余垛朗状厌身律头交浩知铣超魄枕室锰纫烁狼 主题标引(subject indexing)是指对档案内容进行主题分析,赋 予主题词标识的过程。 受控标引(controlled indexing)是指依据主题词表等控制工具 进行的标引。
subject indexing language - 主题标引语言
the subject indexing 了主题标引
subject indexing process 主题标引过程
document subject indexing 文献主题标引
Automatic subject indexing 自动主题标引
retrospective subject indexing 回溯主题标引
Format of subject indexing 主题标引格式
moderation of subject indexing 主题标引适度性
It will produce the marked effect for XMARC concentration information to be researched and practiced. The new solving schema of theme classification and the subject indexing of Chinese information has been explored through excavating XMARC theme information voluntarily.
参考来源 - 基于XMARC信息描述的知识标引与概念检索研究·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet