substance abuse treatment and prevention
Substance Abuse Treatment and Prevention 药物滥用治疗与预防 Solution-focused Substance Abuse Treatment 药物滥用治疗的解决方案焦点 ..
substance abuse treatment and prevention
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The policy guidance issued by HHS and State requires that SSPs be implemented as part of a comprehensive program for injection drug users that includes linkage and referral to substance abuse prevention and treatment services, mental health services, and other support services.
WHITEHOUSE: Health Care Blog | The White House
But the latest study, published in the journal Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, questions this approach.
BBC: NEWS | Health | Drinking at home 'cuts bingeing'
Informed by this basic understanding, the 2010 and 2011 Strategies established and promoted a balance of evidence-based public health and safety initiatives focusing on key areas such as substance abuse prevention, treatment, and recovery.
WHITEHOUSE: 2012 National Drug Control Strategy