...们在研究MCP-1/CCR2信号系统直接兴奋外周DRG痛觉神经元的基础上,又进一步研究了MCP-1对脊髓后角胶状质层(substantia gelatinosa,SG)神经元突触传递过程的调节作用。我们的研究为寻找炎性疼痛的临床治疗提供了新的作用靶点。
Substantia gelatinosa centralis 中央胶状质 ; 中心胶様质
substantia gelatinosa rolando 罗朗多胶状质
substantia gelatinosa rolandi 罗兰多胶质
Substantia gelatinosa dorsalis 背侧胶状质
substantia gelatinosa and rat 胶状质大白鼠
substantia gelatinosa of spinal cord 脊髓胶状质
Objective to research the orientational projections of the primary afferent fibers of the rat's femoral nerve to the substantia gelatinosa (SG) of spinal cord.
AIM: to research the reactivity of substantia gelatinosa neurons of the spinal dorsal horn of rats after hyperpolarization pulse stimulations and to reveal the intrinsic properties.