substrate bias [电子] 衬底偏置
Substrate bias effects 基板偏压效应
Substrate bias generating circuit 发明名称
rf substrate bias 射频偏压
Substrate bias effect 衬底偏置效应
forward substrate bias 发现衬底正偏压
negative substrate bias 衬底负偏压
substrate bias effect of MOSFET MOSFET衬偏效应
It also shows that hardness increases with the increase of film thickness,substrate temperature and substrate bias.
随着Ar流量的增加(固定N2流量) 薄膜的硬度降低。 同时,随着膜厚的增加,基片温度的提高以及对基片施加的偏压的增高, 薄膜的硬度都有不同程度的提高。
参考来源 - 超硬薄膜CN·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
In this paper, the nucleation process of diamond by filament CVD was analyzed, and enhanced flux of ions by negative substrate bias was investigated in theory.
In the paper, the enhancing process of diamond nucleation by negative substrate bias in hot filament CVD system was analyzed.
The diamond growth rate may be enhanced by the substrate bias due to the changes of atomic hydrogen concentration and the increase of mean electron temperature.