suburban area 近郊区域 ; 附廓区 ; 远郊景区 ; 近郊景区
suburban-area 远郊景区
coastal suburban area 沿海城市郊区 ; 沿海地区城市郊区
Wuhan Distant Suburban Area 武汉市远城区
Seoul Suburban Area 首尔近郊
Recently, we got tandem bike attachments so the whole family can ride together, and we've been going on nice weekend excursions around our suburban area.
Gao Song, a 23-year-old graduate from Beijing Institute of Technology, lives in a two-bedroom apartment near Tongzhou, a suburban area.
Most of the useful data maps that can be created with plot-latlong resolve details at the city or suburban area of detail.
可以用plot - latlong创建的大多数有用的数据地图将把详细信息解析为详细的城市或郊区。