铁矿石运输系统 - 豆丁网 阅读文档 34页 - 上传时间:23年2月9日 (5)铁的硅酸盐矿(SilieIron) (6)硫化铁矿(Sulphide iron) ()磁铁矿(Magic):是一种氧化铁的矿石,主要成份为Fe3O4,是Fe2O3和FeO的复合物,呈黑灰 色,比重大约5.5左右,含F..
sulphide iron ore 硫铁矿硫
iron sulphide 硫化铁 ; 黄铁矿 ; 高硫矿
iron sulphide ore 硫化铁矿石
iron sulphide deposit 硫化铁矿床
iron sulphide discolouration 硫化铁黑变
sulphide of iron 铁的硫化物
high-iron zinc-sulphide concentrate 高铁锌精矿 ; 高铁硫化锌精矿
The separation mechanism of nickel and iron by sulphide precipitation and process influence conditions were investigated.
Using the composite graphite rods with the sulphide of iron group metals as anode, the double-wall carbon nanotubes have been fabricated by arc discharging under hydrogen atmosphere.
The results of composition analyses show that Ningcun china stone is mainly composed of quartz, sericite and feldspar; iron is contained in silicate, sulphide, oxide and hydroxide minerals.