The same is unfortunately true for the other known planetary system mentioned above: at 14.8 light-years GJ 674 is right on the limit! The planet orbiting this star is very different -- with a mass of only about 12 Earths it is likely to be a giant rocky planet: a so-called "super-Earth."
super-Earth 超级地球
rare earth solid super acid 稀土固体超强酸
rare-earth solid super acid catalyst 稀土型固体超强酸
rare earth super-magnetostrictive material 稀土超磁致伸缩材料
rare-earth super-magnetostriction transducer 稀土超磁致伸缩换能器
The atmosphere of a "super Earth" has been analyzed for the first time—and it ain't pretty.
Located 54 light-years away, the exoplanet is yet another member of the super-Earth club [source: NASA].
这颗系外行星位于54光年以外,是“超级地球俱乐部”的又一个成员[来源: NASA]。
A super-Earth is a planet with a mass larger than Earth's, roughly up to 10 times greater.