supply-side economist 供应学派 ; 提供学派
supply-side economics 供给经济学 ; 供给学派 ; 供给面经济学 ; 供应经济学派
supply side 供应面 ; [电] 供电侧
Supply Side Platform 供应方平台 ; 平台 ; 供给方平台
Supply-Side School 供给学派 ; 供应学派
Supply side economy 供方经济
supply-side economics fiscal policy 财政政策
Supply-Side Theory 供应方理论
pre-supply side 超前供给
Due to the difference between supply side and demand side of different funds, the financing channels are also diversified.
参考来源 - 我国发行高等教育债券的几点思考—《改革与战略》—2008年第7期—龙源期刊网In supply side aspect, implement the public hospital reform : autonomization、corporatization、privatization. In demand side aspect, using for reference the international success pattern and introducing the third party operating.
参考来源 - 中国医疗体制改革的供需分析·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
More efforts will be made in the years ahead to accelerate the supply-side structural reform.
Some countries use a combination of demand - and supply-side incentives.
Will voters opt for redistribution or another dose of supply-side medicine?