4 研究海区海水中悬浮泥沙浓度的分布及其变化 根据国际地质学会沉积技术组(1947 年)的定义,悬移质(Suspended Load)是指流体 中以悬浮形式搬运的物质,它是由紊流向上的垂直分量或由胶体的悬浮作用的支持而悬浮在液 体中的固体物质。
suspended load sampler 悬移质取样器 ; 悬移质采样器
suspended load discharge 悬浮质量 ; 悬移质输沙率 ; 也用来指悬浮物质
total suspended load 总起重量
Work under suspended load 在悬挂物体下作业
suspended load deposition amount 悬移质淤积量
suspended load budget 悬移质平衡
The article uses a long series of monitoring materials for hydrology suspended load measurement to establish the hydrology model of water and soil losses in Anhui Province with hydrology method,which grasps the rules of soil erosion effectively.
参考来源 - 安徽省水土流失水文学模型的探讨·2,447,543篇论文数据,部分数据来源于NoteExpress
以上来源于: WordNet
Sediment transport similarity is a postulate for model of suspended load.
The coefficient is fitted from calculating the sediment diffusion coefficient by suspended load model.
Usually it is difficult to determine the coefficient of saturation recovery for nonequilibrium transportation of suspended load.