... sustained arc 持续弧 sustained yield 持续产量,保存得率... sustained load 长期载荷,支持载荷...
...正林”中的几个条件就体现为一种系统、结构、功能的关系,如果没有生态平衡与生态系统的观点,这种 永续收获 ( sustained yield )是无法保证的。
maximum sustained yield 产量 ; 最大持续产量 ; 最大保蓄量
sustained yield of forest [林] 森林永续利用
maximum annual sustained yield 最大年间保蓄量
continued maximum sustained yield 最大持续生产量
sustained-yield basis 永续收获基础
sustained yield management 保续生产经营
The Multiple use-Sustained Yield Act 多用途持续生产法
sustained-yield management 永续收获经营
以上来源于: WordNet
Dynamic efficient sustained yield — the sustained yield that produces the highest present value of net benefit.
Static efficient sustained yield — the sustained catch level in a fishery that produces the largest annual recurring net benefit.
The term "sustained yield" is probably most useful has applied to the yield of well fields in situations that Thomas has termed "water-course aquifers".