...经有「盟约的思想,我们在他的家族故事中每一部份都可找到一些盟约的形式-创二﹏三章是建基在「宗主条约(Suzerainty treaty)的形式上;创十五章则以古代美索不达米亚的盟约形式为基础;出廿四的盟约传统是以祭献和牺牲的形式为基础。
Why does it matter that Israel understands its relationship with God, and uses the covenant as a vehicle for expressing its relationship with God, the vehicle of the suzerainty treaty?
Why does it matter that Israel understands its relationship with God, and uses the covenant as a vehicle for expressing its relationship with God, the vehicle of the suzerainty treaty?
First, the historical prologue that's so central to the suzerainty treaty, grounds the obligations of Israel to Yahweh in the history of his acts on her behalf.
According to Levenson, the use of a suzerainty treaty as a model for Israel's relationship to Yahweh, expresses several key ideas. It captures several key ideas.